Buying and Selling RSS Feed

All about home buying and selling Real Estate in Naples Florida.   We are here to help with all of your Real Estate needs, call us at anytime for assistance.

Found 23 blog entries about Buying and Selling.

It seems like everyone is jumping on the advertising social networking bandwagon these days, Twitter just announced that it is now offering to advertise, similar to Facebook you can now promote yourself, your company or your tweet on Twitter, by way of paid advertising.  I guess this means that Twitter is about to make a LOT of money.  Getting followers on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and other social sites is apparently extremely important for recognition of your website, I find it useful to keep in touch with whats going on.  But, Twitter used to be about getting followers on your own merit, because of who you are, or what you have to say, in their advertising information, they say they can increase the number of likes you have up to 30 a day, they also…

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There is a huge pent-up desire in the USA to buy a house, with the economy being depressed for the last few years,  many people have not been able to afford to move house,  either through being upside down with their loans or sadly losing jobs.  People who have been trying to sell homes during this period have found they are up against the hard competition, the housing inventory was growing daily, that,  together with hard to get mortgage's kept many people from moving house.  First time buyers in Naples,  who have waited until the market levelled off before they jumped into owning a house, are now finding that the inventory is getting thin, first time buyers represent 32%  of purchasers, in a good economy they would represent around 40% of buyers, the…

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Want a piece of paradise, it's closer and more affordable than you think!  More and more people are deciding to buy their own piece of paradise down here in Naples.  If you love the area and do not want to stay in hotels, then a second home could be for you, can't afford it I hear you say, take into account that your vacation home is only going to be used for short periods of time, so rather than it sit empty for months on end, many owners decide to rent out the second homes as a vacation home.  Naples has a season, it runs from December to April, although the height of the season is January to March.  During this time Naples comes alive with a huge influx of vacationers, snowbirds,  visiting from the cold frozen north. 

So, if you're considering a…

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